Top PHP Interview questions – 07
901. download file
902. test, mac
903. hide email address
904. How to submit form direct to email
905. How do I code a button that changes the value of a PHP variable?
906. xml php
907. How to runa php file without .php extension ?
908. How to catch and process a stream sent from a StreamWritter of a Window .Net application ?
909. how can i know that a page is using a GET method or POST method without checking the URL
910. While calling a form, it is displaying the PHP code instead of displaying the output …..
911. Function for checkavailablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink
912. Function for check-availablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink using javascript and php
913. my script does not get $_SERVER variables
914. Looking for a freeware PHP module/library to parse HTML files
915. can i sue onchange attribute for a textbox in php
916. How to make a site navigation (f.e. You look > blah > blah) for loading iframes without database?
917. who is the founder of PHP?
918. PHP/Apache setup/config problems… Also: PHP script showing up blank or displaying actual PHP source
919. Where can i get the library extensions like php_*.dll
920. execute external program
921. exec system external program
922. how can i use php to access a MSSQl linked server?
923. filesize
924. How to use the SSL context options capture_peer_cert and capture_peer_cert_chain?
925. downloding the file
926. How to upload/dowload big file?
927. apache integration
928. how to make paging?
929. How do I fix a: “Your PHP install misses ZIP support” ?
930. “global variable”
931. when tried to execute a php program IE gives me the dialog box asking “Do u want to save this file?
932. how do i create a php script that i can install onto my webspace to give me the Base directory
933. Difference between require_once and require
934. How can I prevent users putting URLs in the text box of my form?
935. I want to make an update to a mysql tabel every 30 minutes.
936. Database with MySql
937. Help resolving an error message
938. Can anyone tell me what is this “->” symbol? i see it so many times.
939. How would I merge two felds and show a quantity after the element
940. Unable to retrieve block names from database
941. How can I parse headers in http request and extract filename var and then save body to that var.
942. I want to download an XML file from it's source server to my own for parsing. How can I do this?
943. iis
944. I want to put an URL link to CLICK HERE IN: echo “Click here”. HOW TO DO?
945. How can I run PHP scripts by schedule?
946. How can I run PHP scripts from Command Line?
947. What is the difference between CLI and CGI SAPIs?
948. Please recommend wesites for PHP Freelancing. Thanks in advance.
949. Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
950. SOAP type extension
951. How do i split a single field value like “news” across many pages using php?
952. Is there an awesome php-based CMS for artists?
953. Any help “C:\Program Files\Aspell\data/iso8859-1.dat” is not i n the proper format.
954. what are the differences between PEAR and PECL?
955. How do I get a web page into my php script so as to extract data from it?
956. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
957. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
958. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
959. Need detailed intstructions on how to install and configure php to host phpbb2 forums
960. how to run script file and execute linux command line without return string such tc command
961. resize a bmp file
962. Hyphen/Minus/Dash problem with JavaScript,HTML and PHP
963. Safemode – Local vs. Master. Why does the master show “off” but the local to “on”?
964. CLI
965. Updating information in an include file – I have an include file that shows information on many file
966. line break in php
967. How to determine “Geo Location”?
968. How to get country information from IP address
969. IP to Country calculation
970. but what if the session is closed because of a network problem
971. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling Information From a Website
972. CGI Time Out Error
973. Using cURL and get timeout error
974. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling Information From a Website
975. CGI Time Out Error
976. Using cURL and get timeout error
977. Is it posible to display only 10 records in a page?
978. PHP/MySQL – track impressions and click through rate for listed products?
979. When using DOM i got depressive Warning: domdocument::domdocument() [function.domdocument-domdocumen
980. Can I write a PHP script to load random external images?
981. How can I use PGP with PHP?
982. Unanswered Questions
983. building php with informix returns error: cannot find -lphpifx. Were can i get it?
984. How can I report searches, reporting search-words? (formsearch in my sql-database)
985. How can you include a CGI file in a PHP and have it stay in there when you use a link in the CGI
986. How can I configure php_value directives for mass virtual hosting? ie: equiv to VirtualDocumentRoot
987. why do I fails always after call gethostbyaddr, but right if there exit mapping in HOSTs(on win XP)
988. “Total Noob” how do I put a index.php script in an HTML page so it opens the file cont.- dif. frame?
989. I have created excel reports using php,html and header..But the sheet is to protect
990. I cant execute external programs “Unable to fork …”. Why? I have PHP 4 and Windows 2000 with IIS 5
991. is it possible to post unicode data to DB via web form? Im using W2K/PHP/Apache/MS SQL.
992. How can you change two frames (submenu and welcome page) after someone logs in with a session?
993. How can I display the date a form was submitted using DATE as the col_type & how is DATE_FORMAT used
994. special characters (e.g. inverted exclamation) are being changed when using global <FORM> vars
995. strtotime fails using postgresql 7.2.1 and php 4.1.2 (redhat 7.3); floating point seconds not parsed
996. Undefined function imap_open(). Installed –with-imap-ssl. Do I have to install –with-imap?
997. I have a cgi which outputs Content-type: text/xml, how can I call this cgi, then parse the output ?
998. How do I only read the 10 newest files in a text file?
999. How to: shtml page includes php file that gets (and sets to var) the shtml page's path not it's own?
1000. When a html page is process by PHP engine, I am seeing added characters placed into the html source?