Top PHP Interview questions – 03
201. What is the PHP equivelent of ColdFusion's <CFHTTP> tag? (Both GET and POST operations)
202. What I do wrong to connect to a mysql DB-> Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect()
203. When I create a file/dir the owner/group is “www” is there sonthing I can put in the .htaccess file
204. I did exactly from the book. It comes up as ” Undefined variable.” What's going on here?
205. When i click on a link, it believes that the address is e.g “http://bob/php4/php.exe?mode=admin”
206. will testing with dreamweaver work or do I have to upload the page to the server?
207. What achine is local when using ftp-commands in PHP on a web server?
208. Is there a program to convert PHP script to another language?
209. How do I acsess NetBIOS with sockets (PHP server is running on Windows)
210. how to input data from txt file into table where columns are separated with pipe ?
211. How and you split string into different arrays and save what they were split on?
212. How do I retrieve a single variable value from another file?
213. How to automatic download/upload a file from client machine to server with using FTP function
214. Is there a way to use php to embed html in e-mails? Can you do this without php
215. I need copy from urls inserted on my site using php – sites link will be present
216. Warning: Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /home/fishing/publi
217. “Parse error: parse error in /var/www/html/results.php on line 20” — Why?
218. Does anyone know if there is any way to pull info from an “avery” scale connected to the serial port
219. How can I get the remote PC's MAC Address?
220. i am calling an external C file but the output doesn't appear. Sometimes it does but it is incorrect
221. How to Make an RTF Document with PHP
222. How do we execute .cpp or .c file, ( stored as BLOB in db) upon reading them
223. how do I call class method: $func=”SomeClass::someMethod”; $func()
224. How can i catch into a variable an error message of a server? for example 404 File not found
225. How can I do to not use session_start() in every page where I redirect a main page with “redirect”?
226. I can't display display images retrieving from a database. Can somebody help me?
227. Can I get path-informations of a frame (getcwd())….?
228. Displaying Excel files in PHP
229. How can I avoid getting a error when I click a link in a page while it is loading a big record list?
230. How do u pass a variable (multiple select) from a pop up window to the main window?
231. *how do u you pass a variable(multiple select) from a pop up window to the main window?
232. I have the error 403 when I try to run a PHP script. How can I fix the problem??
233. How can I pass an array of randomized elements through back and next button without repeatation?
234. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are multiple similar entries?
235. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are multiple similar entries?
236. solved or not?? zend entry point and php_sablot.dll
237. I have a 'recent news' page that I would like to be able to update via the browser. Any ideas?
238. Is there a way to email the actual HTML form (same format) after a visitor has completed it?
239. How do I retrieve pasword protected area with PHP?
240. How can I pass a variable with a button(in objective question–A,B,C,D)?
241. Using PHP, how do I send a http POST without using a form?
242. How can I set a time limit for a form made by PHP (i.e.the value will auto transfer after a time)
243. In my search engine result outputs, how can I make it to show page title?
244. How do I lock and unlock tables using PHP and Access via ODBC?
245. Any hints for implementing forms in a wizard style, where answers influence subsequent questions?
246. How can windows (XP Pro) be shut down/ restarted via PHP?
247. Can I fopen a remote url that requires form variables to be POSTed?
248. When I start PHP 4.1.1 it return error “the PHP4TS.DLL file is linked to mising export OLE32.DLL…”
249. ODBC32 not found (win95 & php 4.1.1) what shall I do?
250. if i want to use a c function in php programmar ,what should i do ?
251. What is the essence of PHP encryption(using crypt(),mcrypt(),etc)if data on transit isn't safe?
252. How do you run a script as a certain user such as root?
253. Why cant I get my session..the session is there but the browser dont collect it!
254. How do I display an error for a signup form in the same page instead of having user to click return?
255. Get 404 error when trying to use .php file in browser
256. How can I add text (const or var) in a textarea by click in a image or Href ?.
257. How do I add text in a textarea by “clicking” an image or HREF?
258. Hi, How do I go about saving username and password values in the client…
259. How can I extract metatag keywords from pages serving longtext mysql column info?
260. Need a way to call a function only when the form is closed. Not register_shutdown_function.
261. Why is my webbrowser opening my php file instead of running it?
262. How do you use spaces in Question-Mark queries with non-standard browsers like AIM Profiles?
263. Before a form is closed down (close icon 'X') how can I send a message to another program
264. How can I run two PHP4 versions (ie 4.0.6 and 4.1.2) with two PHP-ini on IIS without recompiling?
265. Is there a way to determine the first time a page loads?
266. I want to to auth users, then show the rest of the page. What is the best way to do this?
267. How can you determine if another website is active (The server is running) or not?
268. I am having trouble installing PHP on my solaris 8 sun server.
269. Using the exec function, how can I call and start a java program. What is the command statment used?
270. What is the best way to send an 'unknown' number of form fields and access them on the text page?
271. Can you send an array through a url (getting info without a form)?
272. how do you access/use other web pages on the fly?incorporateThemIntoYours?justPointMeInTheRightDirec
273. how do i get a directory listing on a server without displaying any of the subdirectories?
274. How do I make a news script that only saves/prints the last X entries with an admin section/flatfile
275. COM does not work with PHP… not getting any error messages… php just “hangs”
276. How can I add a file to the $data? As in a form containg an <input type=file>
277. How do i force PHP to flush already printed lines, on a script still running on the server?
278. How to install PHP in windows xp?
279. How to READ a directory of PDF files that display as links to open the pdf
280. *what is the pdf function to change text color?*
281. Binary files get couupted when uploaded with a php script – even if content-type is specified. Why?
282. How do I download PHP File from other site? I heard that it can be downloaded in it's source code.
283. does anyone know how I can work out the x,y coordinates on a map from a given postcode?
284. Does REMOTE_ADDR give the user's IP or proxy's IP?
285. How can I store an image path in PostgreSQL and dispaly it in PHP
286. Can PHP websites be co-hosted on Apache servers in the same manner that Microsoft ASP sites can be ?
287. How can I extract just the domain name out of HTTP_REFERER?
288. Security Alert! PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly
289. Simple PHP/MySQL page, all page data is displayed… but page won't stop loading- why?
290. When i do this why do i get the file content + 1 retuned : echo include(“content/news.txt”)? Fix?
291. This may be a stupid question, but why choose PHP over an Access database?
292. Hello, I have an error: unable to load openssl.dll but i can load such as zlib.dll(IIS5+PHP4.1.1)
293. can php load an image in place of a flash movie for users without the flash plugin?
294. Can I embed a PHP file in an HTML file. Similar to the <script src=”abc.js”></script> for Javascript
295. PHP not seeing variables from WML
296. Why can't php 4 on my apache 2 server find the $HTTP_USER_AGENT variable (it says undefined)?
297. How can I sort data out of my MYSQL database in monthly Stats format and display it in an html page?
298. increment in date variable
299. Trying to configure php4 for apache 1.3.24 when i create my test page i receive an Error404. WHY?
300. Is there a company that offers a support contract to the PHP product?