Category: CMS MS

How to Download Themes from CMS Made Simple?

Download themes for CMS Made Simple, you can use with the Theme Manager. These themes are uploaded here are contributed by independant third parties as a free service. The CMS Made Simple project make...

How to target Specific Browsers?

To Target Specific Browsers: #ID or .class is like div#main or div.main * html #ID or .class { ie6 } NOTE: sometimes IE6 requires… * html body #ID or .class { ie6 } *:first-child+html #ID or .class { ie7 } #ID...

How to move CMSms installation to a new server

It is a simple, four step process to move your installation from one server to another. Step 1 Clear the Cache: Login to admin, go to Site Admin/System Maintenance and clear the cache. This...

How to Convert a static website to CMS Made Simple?

Step 1 Install CMSms on your production hosting: So you have a internet domain for your site, say Your old plain HTML pages are available at,, etc. And your old...

How to get content ID from page alias in CMS Made Simple

Sometimes you need the page alias AND the content id. All you need is a tiny UserDefined Tag (UDT). Create a new UDT “getpageid” and copy&paste the following code: if( !isset($params[‘alias’]) ) return; $gCms...