Top PHP Interview questions – 05
500. when calling urls from a mysql database how do you make them active links on screen in php
501. How do I change this into a link? <?php echo $row_rsLocations ['CODE'] ; ?>
502. How can I calculate sha1 in raw binary format without php5?
503. How can I only collect information from checkboxes that are checked and then e-mail it?
504. How can I read from a cookie from within an included file?
505. EASY QUESTION. translation problem
506. EASY QSTION. php pages show up from local files as code, not translated to display. Apache,mysql,php
507. I edited php.ini, but does not changed that show in phpinfo?
508. How can I conect to an Informix database with ODBC in PHP?
509. I am wanting to call 1 script from another,then return to the next line of code in the 1st script ?
510. Formatting User's Input
511. Can't Get PHP on IIS5
512. Can't Get PHP on IIS5
513. Can't Get PHP on IIS5
514. How do I configure PHP (on my local PC) to connect to Sybase (on a Solaris server) ?
515. how can i send an attachment with my mail form to email id
516. Where can I find error information for “Fatal error Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded”?
517. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation?
518. How can I display the output from <?php $output=system($command); ?> to an html textarea box?
519. how can i execute linux OS commands like 'adduser' from a php web page
520. How to sort a multidimensional array ?
521. how can i update xml node values via php?
522. mkdir problem
523. what areDesign patterns ?
524. what areDesign patterns ?
525. How can I successfully return data from a CGI script? It works in HTML using Virtual Includes.
526. PHP: Is there an editor (like FrontPage is for HTML) for PHP?
527. PHP: Does it allow me to translate a website to another language at the click of a button?
528. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record
529. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record
530. how can i get Visual Basic's grid like effect in php
531. how can i get Visual Basic's grid like effect in php
532. How do you install PHP in CGI Mode??? There is no doco on the subject!!!
533. Can you tell me why I always get ?PHPSESSID=9ki86 attached to all my link on the opening page
534. How do I use a html form within the php script. I am using a form that gets the input from a PH GET
535. Javascript is not working in a php file on windows system. Why?
536. File security on an intranet
537. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order form using php?
538. How do I turn a php script into index.html
539. How do I create alternating-color repeated regions with PHP?
540. What are all the common php file extensions?
541. I need to run an external command that it isn´t native of the operating system (AIX).
542. I get an error when i use SMTP server to send mail by php.I'm using win XP
543. How would i make a simple counter with text? (ie visitors: 17319)
544. How can i prevent a php page being cached in browser?
545. How can I change a field name in mysql database by using PHP?
546. How do I correct error “Unable to parse configuration file”?
547. How to create a separate PHP-File to predefine a table to give my sites a similar look?
548. php.ini will not load
549. php.ini will not load/parse/process in Windows 2003 Server + PHP 4.3.3RC2 + MySQL v4.0.14b
550. Using mail () , how do do smtp authentication ?
551. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table that is in the html???
552. How to replace with pattern matching?
553. can i send FAX from php or using PHP script
554. Is there any file size limite with PHP for sending a file from client side to Apache server ?
555. I want to use imagecreate how do I get it to work? I have downloaded the gd 2.0.15 what do I do with
556. I want to call a user defined PHP function on buttons event like onClick. How can i do that ?
557. I am querying a mySQL database for names and addresses, how do I not pull any NULL values
558. How can a generate wed-based barcode, I want to use only the browser connecting to the backend.
559. Can php files be put in a directory other than the root dir.?
560. I get the error – Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() – what is wrong?
561. Detect “Too many connections” error and show alternate web page?
562. If i write the code for uploading in PHP, will the same code work on Windows, MAcintoshOSX, Linux?
563. How do i recompile PHP, Apache on RedHat Linux 9? I am trying to connect to SQL Server using freetds
564. I can't find Internet Services Manager, pls help!! I use Windows XP Home Edit.
565. Is there a way to check if an e-mail address is not fake?
566. How can convert Java Servlet into PHP?
567. what is in_array
568. How do I code a link from a sql query, such as an email link?
569. How do I install 4.3.3 on Freebsd..step by step for dummy
570. Installing or upgrading php with CURL support on Cobalt Raq
571. How can I display a PHP hit counter within a HTML form input text box?
572. How can I create a function to return the nº of weekends in a time interval(beg and End:yyyy/mm/dd)
573. How do I validate a Windows user and password?
574. How do I change an NT password (IIS)?
575. I can get the PHP code to show in my html. Its correct and im using Apache and mysql, please help.
576. I have a problem with is_dir(): Is doesn't return anything!
577. can not loading php_oci.dll at php started
578. php_oci .dll loading at php start ( i remove the comment from php.ini of extenstion =php_oci.dll)
579. How can I tell if a script is running from the command line (cli) or in a browser?
580. How do you authenticate if you use NTLM (IIS, PHP)
581. How to check if a newer entry id in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest record as a variable.
582. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on windows?
583. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password: url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
584. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password: url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
585. I keep getting redirected to the login screen whenever I install a php package and I try to login
586. What changes in the file-function from PHP 3 to PHP 4.3.4?
587. SHMOP_open it allows me to open only 128 segments after that it throws an error (HELP)
588. How to Fix Err: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object.
589. How do I set the order of the output from a database to the display?
590. How can I calculate the load time of a page?
591. i Installed php4 on IIS 5. Whenexecute an php script, it just come as it as like IIS not parsing it.
592. What is suggested procedure for upgrading from 4.3.2 to 4.3.4 using Windows binaries?
593. Is there a limitation to the file size when using move_uploaded_file? Returns false with files>2mb..
594. I´ve trouble with the debugger
595. I've set up a php server, but it will not display any information through a web browser.
596. How do I send values to a mySQL database?
597. how can I execute .exe file(stored as blob in db) upon reading them
598. PHP setup with Apache Server – no errors but no display on browsers
599. How do I stop a space-seperated string from being truncated when it is passed using a form construct
600. I need to draw the plane of a house. I have data needed in a database table. Can I do it with PHP
601. Does PHP support foreign Language such as Thai, chienese
602. Can anybody answer me if exist a module for php which allows work with RAR archives like php_zip.dll
603. How to stream mp3s with out giving out the directory. I had it working except in Win Media Player 9
604. Are there generally agreed best practice coding recommendations for PHP?
605. Warning: fopen(../mycalendar.csv): failed to open stream: Permission denied in
606. How do I avoid having the SESSIONID come up in my links?
607. I want to define “$DROOT = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']” once only for all “include($DROOT.'/')”. How?
608. What is PHP ?
609. Can i use PHP in Zope?
610. i want a register script than stores peoples username, password for them to login
611. If I append to a file, but if I hit refresh, the same info gets appended again. How do I fix that?
612. How can I transmit the session information to a script opened using fopen(“http://localhost”); ?
613. Can CLI and CGI modules of php be both installed ?
614. how to connect mysql database from pc1 and I'm using php5 from pc2 on windows platform.
615. how to replace an image (possibly jpg ) with another one with out refreshing the browser
616. Can I use an image link that when clicked opens up a php file and inserts a specified image into it?
617. How can I access a JavaScript array with PHP??
618. How can I make a voting booth / poll for my site that runs off my server, using PHP?
619. What is the difference between include() and @include()?
620. What exactly is the use of PHPSESSID in a URL???
621. Will+the+mail+function+work+if+use+in+intranet+envirnoment%3F
622. how do i update mysql db with form variables using php?
623. How do I make a webcounter that I can call from a non-php HTML site ? (I can do easy mysql/php part)
624. How to change where sessions save to? Changing in php.ini doesn't work.
625. hi , can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll
626. hi can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll
627. how can i show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file using php (plz give code example)
628. O'Reilly and PHP will not work
629. mail()
630. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken from other site? Any scripts?
631. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser?
632. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser?
633. Why PhP does not recognize mysql_connect()Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
634. How do I open a new form and display data base on a value of a pull down list on current form
635. How can I send XML Attributes via Soap?
636. Is there a tutorial for interfacing a PHP page with a cvs file?
637. PHP
638. Can't find php.ini to update file_upload size only find a directories under /opt/php/lib/php/pear so
639. how can I configure apache so that I can run <? php …> commands in files that don't end in .php?
640. PHP mail() needs 40Sek to generate the mail. Sendmail works correct. System Cobalt RaQ550
641. How can I use InternetExplorer.Application to access the contents of specific frames?
642. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
643. How do I get PHP on Linux to work with Oracle on Windows?
644. XML brainbuster
645. Dynamic Code
646. Dynamic Code
647. PHP not accessing MySQL
648. Installed Apache, PHP and MySQL all working but when I try to connect to MySQL through PHP nothing..
649. I send a mail to a person. How I can keep track of when that person opens the mail?
650. How to convert decimal values to characters?
651. How do I get a submit button to print the current page?
652. define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/'); What does this means? It is from Zen-cart coding
653. PQescapeByte
654. have names as 2004aj,2004ad,2004A and need to list them but when do list 2004A it lists all the rest
655. How can make a Specefic MIME header
656. Are there any problems using COM functions with PHP5, WinXP and Excel 2003?
657. Can I reference PHP from a JSP page with <a href=”filename.php>”
658. I'm new to PHP, where should I start.?
659. Is there anyway I can specifiy in which frame to open a specific file using header(fileme),includ(f)
660. PHP: Operation:Get:Form: Variable: All: How to get all your form variables? [$_POST/$_GET/$_REQUEST]
661. Can PHP perform a scheduled task triggered without having a PHP page being loaded into a browser?
662. Is it possible to use PHP code in the onChange feature of the html select tag? If so, how?
663. Is any way to pass a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require()? How?
664. PHP: HTML: Convert: Where to convert automatically HTML to PHP print or echo text?
665. how to write code to access an AIML suing php
666. Instead of I'd like
667. How can I echo the pagetop immediate, eg if php is doing a heavy job.
668. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13… how can i use the values 13 on the new page tha i call?
669. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13… how can i use the values 13 on the new page tha i call?
670. can i call an function in a executable file from php and get the result back to php
671. ASCII
672. why the <?php_track_vars?> did not work?
673. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a name on the page
674. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a name on the page
675. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a name on the page
676. Error: Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using password: NO)
677. how can I disable cgi in php 5.3.9?
678. System() command not executing. Error thrown is 'Unable to fork system () '
679. If I enter a text of 21K long in a text area form, hitting submit button doesn't do anything. Help
680. how do i manually configure php with apache server?? and then how do i run my scripts??
681. how to untar file using php script? <? system(“tar -zxvf file.tar.gz”) ?> not work
682. Is PHP based on orther languages,and are there any based on PHP?( research papper for school)
683. How can I put URL &variables= into php generated javascript?
684. can require() or include() contain Http path? How can we include files in http path format?
685. Is it possible to issue a command to windows xp command-line through a php script?
686. What is PHP-GTK
687. Why is it not working with the browser/web server?
688. How do I install PHP-GTK on Win32?
689. Can I use Themes under Win32?
690. How do I know which GTK Classes are supported?
691. How do I use the buttons in GtkFileSelection?
692. How to install PHP on Apache?
693. How to install Apache, MySQL, PHP on Linux
694. Test Question
695. can i get the full url of site (including the http:// and www) i want know if they came from www2
696. What is the relation between the versions
697. Can I run several versions of PHP at the same time?
698. What did the initials PHP originally stand for?
699. What is the name of the new scripting engine that powers PHP?
700. Name a new feature introduced with PHP4?