Top PHP Interview questions – 09
1101. File Download appears for .php files. Php.ini in \windows on XP.
1102. How can I pass objects from one php file to another?
1103. How to create a web page that refreshes its tabled contents against mySQL database?
1104. function_exists doesn't appear to work on class member functions, regardless if static or not???
1105. can you determine whether your script is running at the console or was requested remotely?
1106. I want printing on continous paper according to my requirement. Wanted to control the printer
1107. Sessions won't die. I tried evertything. I'm regitering using the $_SESSION superglobal. Please h
1108. how to resubmit the information automatically without pressing the refresh button?
1109. How to check if a newer entry is in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest record as a variable.
1110. Is there a function like file_exists in PHP Version 2 ?
1111. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on windows?
1112. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe?
1113. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe?
1114. Help! What do I do Php files opening as Ps files?
1115. need to use [web] as a wildcard: elseif ($check == “go: [web]”) {$url = “[web]”;} is it possible?
1116. What is the advantage to using “url/index.php?i69=members” over “url/index.php” to “url/members.php”
1117. Why don't works including of remote files under IIS 5.1 and PHP 4.3.2?
1118. How can I parse a .csv file to a .ldf file , only parsing the particular information that I need?
1119. where do i outsource php or get php experts for development ?
1120. Can anyone please tell me why .php files will work for me but the same php files in HTML do not work
1121. Populating a dropdown list field with data fetched from Oracle
1122. How do I display New mysql database info without refreshing the page?
1123. is there a course on how to write force matrix in php scripts?
1124. SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specifi
1125. i am getting msg”Can not open output stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX when i am calling imap_open()
1127. how do i get information from a plain text file as data for a marqee/ticker/scroller?
1128. How can I set up my web browser to show Php designated sites?
1129. How i can find number of record retuned in select statement usin Access odbc driver.
1130. When i try to exec a program on a webserver i get 127 as an return value. What does it mean?
1131. PHP4 will not connect to my Apache server. I'm using an IBserver program.
1132. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file already exists
1133. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file already exists
1134. Is there a known issue with O'Reilly Website and PHP not working together?
1135. is it possible to capture a swf and export it to jpg?
1136. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken from other site? Any scripts?
1137. How do i connect php5 to mysql4? I get “Class 'mysqli' not found” in the apache error log?
1138. I tried to call mysql_connect(), but got the error “Call to undefined function mysql_connect() Idea?
1139. How do I include a “news.php” file into an index.php file, I've tried <? php include….with no luck
1140. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope server…it support CGI now.
1141. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope server…it support CGI now.
1142. How can I adjust local date time in a PHP Calendar script?
1143. How can I call or use a dll writen in Visual Basic 6.0
1144. how to redirect a page, and how to use querystring
1145. when i open file by using this command ($fp=fopen(“hello.txt”,”w”) i get message “permission denied”
1146. i am using Windows 2000 Server with PHP 4 and Apache 2 , i am trying use scrrun.dll with PHP but fail to use any body suggest me how to use it?
1147. Are php scripts secure? i.e. is it possible to open my .php file and get my db userid/password etc?
1148. Why am I getting a blank screen when I try using the imagecreatefromjpeg function? (PHP 5.0.2)
1149. Problem logging hits to PHP pages when PHP runs as CGI wrapped in Apache to appear as module.
1150. Is it possible to make a template in which any called text file can be inserted into a specific area
1151. I need to get my php date() time to update live, is there away, and how do I do it?
1152. How would I make a template system for a blog?????
1153. Error “server unwilling to perform” when changing password in an AD server using LDAP and PHP.
1154. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
1155. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
1156. How can I update the options for a select menu based on a value selected in a previous select menu?
1157. php.exe posting data vir commandline how to?
1158. How can I code a simple form with textboxes so users can view what others posted?
1159. why my scripts is showing warning mail over quota mail not send when new user register
1160. how can I make something like php editor in php and the script is in colored
1161. I'm having a problem compiling php with 2 versions of posgresql. Configuring with-pgsql=/usr (pg ver
1162. How do I automatically display the number of listings next to category links using mySQL or no datab
1163. PHP 4.3.4, parse_ini_file() returns a cannot open `FILE` for reading?
1164. how can I set a quantity that reduces to zero in my eshop as orders are placed
1165. Is it possible to copy a tar file from another server using fopen?
1166. Iwant to make register (login and password) to my site but with php
1167. how to use onchange method of listboxes in php?
1168. Can I make a transparent HTTP(carry SOAP body) proxy with PHP? Here PHP is to determine the dest.
1169. how can i use PHP mail() function to send mail to an address like [email protected]…?
1170. How do I test that a remoter server has php working?
1171. is there a way to import php in a mysql and export it?
1172. Trouble allowing people to upload picture to yahoo hosted site
1173. Best script to pull an series of integers from various offsets in a binary file to PHP variables?
1174. Problem with php 5.0.3 on Apace 2 on WIN: It works but version sais: 4.3.10? Is it really 5.0.3 in..
1175. I'm getting a pair of characters( 3D ) in my PHP Generated E-Mails, any suggestions?
1176. Can someone tell me why my <Script> tags and onClick attributes in <a> tag are being removed.?
1177. How do you declare a variable so the variable will retain any HTML code imbedded in the string?
1178. Does PHP support video streaming? I am working on an e-learning project. Thanks
1179. why php variable names are case sensitive and why not function names?
1180. How do I change the default account that mail is being sent from when using the mail () function?
1181. <form action=”dbtest2.php”>when form is submitted,browser opens the php file instead of executing
1182. write a one-line expression to test whether a number is a power of 2. this question is asked in inte
1183. How to set headers for images delivered through php scripts so that images are cached locally?
1184. How do I only allow a PHP script to be accessed from the same server.
1185. how do i create keywords that will autolink throughout my website
1186. How can I get the included file names in a php file while I'm navigating?
1187. why are sessions working on remote server but not localhost
1188. PHP and MySQL problem with out putting data to a .txt file
1189. Why are three bytes being added to my data?
1190. Is it possible in php to draw/show a calendar-month as an image?
1191. How can I do a 'page scrape' and capture all of the existing form fields and values?
1192. How can I redirect the output of a UNIX command executed in background from exec ( >> does not work
1193. How to export public key to file or string in php's openssl library?
1194. How do I display the rows and time it took to execute the query? ( 132 rows fetched in .0679s)
1195. why it hangs whenever i open my lotus 123
1196. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example
1197. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example
1198. Besides connecting again is there absolutly no other diffrence between mysql_connect and pconnect?
1199. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database??
1200. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database??