Top PHP Interview questions – 10
1201. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database??
1202. How do I insert a MySQL database with greek characters in dreamweaver?Greek characters are shown ???
1203. How can I write to php.ini from a remote function
1204. Urgent: How can I write and change the configs of php.ini from a remote function?
1205. If I enter a text of 21K long in a text area form, hitting submit button doesn't do anything. Help
1206. ´What is the meaning of -> example for this:($this->form->flugInited)
1207. how do i make a php script run ?? i mean how do i test if its working.
1208. how to untar file using php script? <? system(“tar -zxvf file.tar.gz”) ?> not work
1209. How can we create a page with 2 web pages displayed,giving look like frames w/o actually using them
1210. How can i retreive Content between the Name tag in nested html file bu regular expression ?
1211. How do I direct pages to open within specific divs using php includes?
1212. How to control the Printer using PHP
1213. i want to retrive data in an HTML form,from mysql database ,using PHP ,Please tell me how is it poss
1214. can require() or include() contain Http path? How can we include files in http path format?
1215. How can i create a domain email account through php?
1216. How can I detect the dimensions of a Form? I have a $form_block that stores HTML lines and tables.
1217. Why <?phpinclude(“”);?> doesn't display menu in html?
1218. Why <?phpinclude(“”);?> doesn't display menu in html?
1219. Include statement in an echo statement
1220. Can I change the speed of uploads and downloads with PHP5?
1221. Can I change the speed of uploads and downloads with PHP5?
1222. system(“crontab crontabs/crontabs.txt”); fails under 4.3.11 but worked on earlier versions any fix?
1223. system(“crontab crontabs/crontabs.txt”); fails under 4.3.11 but worked on earlier versions any fix?
1224. How to read from a .txt file on the client?
1225. I installed PHP, but output doesn't show on webpage – tried other commands 2. What should I do?
1226. I installed PHP, but output doesn't show on webpage – tried other commands 2. What should I do?
1227. While extension is ok, it says it can't find the module php_mysql.dll while it really exists
1228. While extension is ok, it says it can't find the module php_mysql.dll while it really exists
1229. how would I have info sent from html form to a web page in numeric order..such as in area code
1230. how would I have info sent from html form to a web page in numeric order..such as in area code
1231. how would I have info sent from html form to a web page in numeric order..such as in area code
1232. How are PHP, PWS and MySQL intergrated?
1233. I am having an extremely hard time sending a html form email. No format seems to work. please help
1234. How to prevent the system() command from dumping output to browser
1235. how can I use php to place a query on another site, then parse results into my results page?
1236. Inserting more than one records in a table using the same form
1237. Is there a way to grab a single frame from a video file using php?
1238. I have windowsxp, apache, php, mysql, how do I host people, and limit filesystem access?
1239. How can I build 10 rows-each to have 1 dynamic select menu (part #) which prints related desc.?
1240. i want to print out database results using php..if someone know, pls help me..
1241. What do you think about developing PHP-Based desktop application with gambArt? (
1242. My php site runs slow on iis6.0. How to make it run faster?
1243. Where do I find a usegroup or forum avaiable to help me with a specific PHP problem ??
1244. How do I connect and search through multiple MySQL databases for info and then display it?
1245. How do I write the HTML TITLE tag to contain the result of an SQL query ?
1246. is there any project in related to video conferencing in PHP for open source ?
1247. using mail( ) function with error checking but robots are submitting blank emails.
1248. How can I convert PHP into executable code to prevent change by user with Windows platform?
1249. How can i increase the amount of time php, apache, mssql wait to execute a very large query?
1250. I have a problem in uploading the files across the network it dies saying”Page Cannot be Displayed”?
1251. is there any jar equivalent of java in PHP??
1252. How we open multilple connection with different username, password & different database
1253. is it possible to track down all php included/required files.. on a lower level php core, C/C++ api?
1254. is it possible to track down all php included/required files.. on a lower level php core, C/C++ api?
1255. Apache2,PHP5,WinXP. All php pages show about 1/2 the page when loaded over net, but fully over LAN.
1256. Emails not displaying as HTML
1257. I currently using the php installation kits,may i know how to upgrade php 4.2.3 to php 4.3.10 or 4.4
1258. How do you add actions in php files? Say if I have a horoscope section, but I only want one page…
1259. How do you insert multiple values using the same insert statement, especially using hash password
1260. How can I set a SESSION <AFTER> i click a link
1261. have php got function for static such as mean,sd , kurtosis, skewness , etc.
1262. How do I tell php to link two tables in a query so it will return linked data from both tables
1263. How can increment my hour to get my local(Singapore) date & time which currently now is USA time ?
1264. Can any body tell me how to get exact world time when i pass city id or state id as an argument?
1265. How can I make PHP process directives within HTML code that resides in a variable?
1266. i uploaded my php page up to the free host but it did not worked help me please
1267. i have got free space and i want to publish my php page me please
1268. How to access an object reference and its variables present in a Javascript file in a PHP file ?
1269. When running command line, php loads GD, yet when apache interprets a php file, GD not loaded…why?
1270. Is it possible to use lineair lists with objects in PHP and how.
1271. Does PHP support MSSQL linked servers queries? If so, is there any special way of doing this?
1272. How can I use Global Variables? So they can be accessed between two or more php files?
1273. Can you upload a file using visual basic to a php page
1274. Translating the contents of a PHP file in greek and then save as php,it does show ??? .How to solve?
1275. How can I call a program(for example C:\Program\DC++\DCPlusPlus.exe) with php?
1276. How can I access Apache mod_status variables in php? E.g. number of children serving requests.
1277. what does var=<?=$php_var?> mean
1278. Why is $mydate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($item['pubdate'])); returning wrong date in PHP5
1279. How do I call a COM DLL written in VC 6.0 from PHP 4? Can you provide an example?
1280. how to execute a .pl program from php
1281. como insertar controles a una celda en ejecucion
1282. how can i direct the output of a system command in php into a MySql Database in a php script?
1283. How can you compare a number of strings retrieved as a result of an SQL query?
1284. it would be helpful if someone knew how to redirect the output from php exec() commands to databases
1285. When using echo, why is there a distinction between a single quote and double quote?
1286. When I use echo & single quotes to output \n char, it outputs the chars, instead of a newline. Why?
1287. I want to get a value of variable in one php file to other php file(only the value of variable)
1288. Can I open, show, an existing PDF document being passed to a php page?
1289. How can I get PHP to retrieve XML datatype as an XML file from MSSQL 2005
1290. How can I find out who is logged onto a particular machine and customize appropriately?
1291. How do I call an HTML page into another frame from within my PHP code, without reloading the caller?
1292. how to connect to oracle with odbc and aslo code to get result from view table in oracle
1293. how to connect to oracle with odbc and aslo code to get result from view table in oracle
1294. My php V4.4.2 run as CGI mode on windows server 2003 and i got The specified CGI application
1295. How can I get line breaks while passing data separated by enter key from forms elements
1296. test if a checkbox is checked with html and php
1297. IIS. PHPScripts which grab files on win2k svr get “Permission Denied” with IntAuth. Basic works.Why?
1298. how can i save the swf files while use onclick property>
1299. how can i save the swf files while use onclick property>
1300. How can i display all the rows of the particular table in the browser