Top PHP Interview questions – 12
1401. I need to delete a tag and all child tags from an XML file using PHP. How do I go about ?
1402. Was Bug #37483 ever resolved?
1403. How can i make a script in PHP to automatically send an email to a user who has just registered?
1404. eval( ) function error, template error how can i solve this error
1405. GD library – is TGA file format supported? If not, is there a library that does support?
1406. how i can i install ffmpeg on windows
1407. parse error, unexpected $end in \Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\ScopeDemo.php on line 35
1408. How can I hide the name of a file when passing a session?
1409. Why do I see the content of the compiled script instead of the script executing, IIS 5.1?
1410. Why do I see the content of the compiled script instead of the script executing, IIS 5.1?
1411. Was Bug #37483 ever resolved? If so, what is the fix?
1412. how to install horde in user directory another then the web server root directory?
1413. Please recommend websites for PHP Freelancing. Thanks in advance.
1414. How can I extract xml information from a email folder, then display it onto a web page using php? ch
1415. I want to install my app in another server, but don't want to leave de source code there, what 2 do?
1416. What are all the changes between PHP 4.4 and 5.1?
1417. How to use PHP to strip out character \ from the data entered by user from web form?
1418. when submit textarea value with quotes are replaced with \' how to change it?
1419. utf-8 cvs files download
1420. How do i convert htmlentities to Hex Entities like € (euro sign) instead of € ?
1421. how can i run a php script with closing the browser?
1422. how to insert images in ms access using oledb extension
1423. i want the php program logic for decimal to hexadecimal conversion
1424. i want the php program logic for decimal to hexadecimal conversion
1425. Server Upgrade: I am going to be upgrading my Win2k Server to Win2k3..anything to watch out for?
1426. to send email from local system connected via broadband to yahoo accounts
1428. Is anyone else having issues getting PHP 5.2.0 and Apache 2.2.3 to work together?
1429. how can we show records at the time of delete confirmation while using delete button
1430. How do get the currently running webserver's information using php?
1431. Why is it that PHP does not allow the the first character of a label (variable name) to be a digit?
1432. how do i compare 2 string variables in php 4.3.10?
1433. what is the script for conducting a chat room with enabled privacy between users?
1434. Does anyone know how to set up a php server on a windows vista platform?
1435. Does anyone know how to set up php in ISS for windows vista?
1436. In linux system what is the specific entry for session? I have problem in incrementing Session var?
1437. i setup root admin as administrator and i cant get root admin back
1438. I setup php5 and IIS on xp it running but does not give me any error message give blank page
1439. how to modify the order of precedence in an expression
1440. is there any think like sstab control in vb for php
1441. i m new to php. how to connect oracle d/b with php?? plzz help m stuck
1442. whn i m send a data frm one page to othr by “get” coming in url with a blank pg.. help
1443. what is this Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for ?
1444. statement 'switch' for multiple include.are they(all include file write down) load all?
1445. when using the system() command how do you make it able to use CTRL key combinations
1446. high session data
1447. session
1448. Can I login to another site from my project without entering Username & password. Is there any way t
1449. I have a script that checks the server up time, However it only show text , How can i show a .gif ?
1450. How do I upload, resized and strore a picture with the new reduced size in a databse?
1451. how can i set url like to view details of member from db
1452. When my form is submitted successfully I want to redirect users to a 'thank-you' page. All in PHP.
1453. Output browser contents that are displayed as text from a url to txt file, How ?
1454. If I fork a child how do I pass information back to an array I have defined in the parent?
1455. How Can I Use Light Pen In PHP for example for signature?
1456. The session_start is not working in PHP 5.2.1.
1458. How can I extract the width and height of a .flv file using PHP?
1459. How can a web server have its own php.ini on each domain?
1460. Can “elseif” statements be applied to dynamic text fields?
1461. i want my users to have a personal photo gallery and browse other user, how do i do that ?
1462. how do i create a user page so that they can upload photos and let people browse them ?? HELP PLEASE
1463. when upload runs gave file not specify error
1464. How to consume web services through SOAP or NUSOAP protocal?
1465. –enable-debug
1466. MSDE
1467. I have problem with header coding for IE browser. My code is export the data to excel.
1468. failing to create COM object in windows2003 server
1469. retrive data to publish particular information using session id
1470. if i click a radio button it should insert teh values of the fields in the from in a table
1471. What is the difference between echo & print?
1472. Why don't I use htmlentities funtion? .
1473. how to increase session expiry in php through htaccess or iniset
1474. ii7 install
1475. install php vista iis7
1476. how to implement validator field in php like
1477. I'm using PHP5.0.5 on Novell. I'm getting a “Call to undefined function simplexml_load_file()”.
1478. What is major diffrence between php4 and php5?
1479. How to store the Search results of a search Engine?
1480. browser window size
1481. Is there a method in php for data streaming of large documents in chunks in a php web service
1482. how can i restrict the user to upload a specific extension files and the size of their upload?
1483. How does one export BLOG type data from MySQL to display as images in excel?
1484. Do you know any (really) working example of a soap (wsdl based) server implementation with PHP5 ?
1485. How we can make a printscreen(image) from a web page?Please suggest.
1486. how can i call txt files (with http links and titles) from php, so I can change this file often.
1487. how to divide the PHP concepts; which are most valuable?
1488. how to divide the PHP concepts; which are most valuable?
1489. how to pass php array into javascript for validation??
1490. ffmpeg with php not working using IIS/6.0 server in windows NT system.
1491. how do i send mail through the mail function of php in zend, each and every try i had was fail
1492. How I can give access to my friend to some page for limit time? I store the date in database
1493. How do I execute code that includes two classes with the same name from different libraries?
1494. upload files
1495. How do i put a checkbox for usernames retrieved from the database and to display in the next page?
1496. How to write an array result to a comma separated txt file?
1497. how to store the form data in the database after submitting the form ,by using PHP5.2, MSACCESS,IIS
1498. how to change name of file\path
1499. call a oracle procedure with PHP
1500. How do I build PHP scripts and include it in a nightly build process
1501. What is difference between the copy and move_uploaded_file
1502. Website I've taken over has files ending in “.phtml”
1503. Can I write a PHP script to load random external images?
1504. how to integrate more than one URL in IE
1505. How can I implement a php wrapper which checks if a user is logged in and secures my html files?
1506. how to print data from database pressing print button on the page?
1507. I have a form that makes a file, 'output.txt'. how do I have following submissons add onto file
1508. Netscape & mozilla i am unable to open a pdf it shows an alert “This operation is not allowed”
1509. how to link an exe file to a web page using php?urgent plz help……
1510. I ran the code provided on this site to get the IP address but received unknown variable.
1511. how to create a link for a data as pdf
1512. Rotating Banner Ads Guidance Requested
1513. how to display live value or get it from another website (eg live share market)?
1514. how to display live value or get it from another website (eg live share market)?