Top PHP Interview questions – 01
1. What Is PHP ?
2. How can I disable the output of error messages inside the HTML page?
3. Can I return other file formats (like Word, Excel, etc) using PHP?
4. Is there any way to force PHP to do garbage collection before the end of the request?
5. Why does require($file_name) in a loop just include the first file repeatedly?
6. Can you include and call C libraries in PHP scripts? How?
7. What’s the best way to start writing a PHP program?
8. Passing variables with REQUIRE function (part II)
9. I use a /cgi-bin/ for displaying rotating banners at the top of my html files. How can I insert the output of this cgi in an “included” file ?
10. please tell me how to let a html document read content from a .txt file, spit this out in a table, and how to update the specific file with a form
11. How can I add authentication to my site with PHP? I have authentication working only with one page.
12. Where can I get documentation for the Zend API?
13. Does Php have anything similiar to Perl’s $string = <<END_OF_DATA …(some text over multiple lines)… END_OF_DATA?
14. I would like to create a user authentication system, but when they log in, how would i make it personalized.
15. Is it possible to do a multisite hit counter that runs on a PHP enabled server but is accessed by non PHP servers?
16. To offer users a direct download of a file that is a valid MIME type
17. How can I display a number with thousand separator querying an SQLServer 7 table (number_format does not work with PHP 401 – error: unknown function)
18. environmental variables such as query string are not passed to php code i.e. INCLUDE file=”showacct.php”
19. Lost Last-Modified when set apache to use PHP4 module for all .htm/.html files. Can one have PHP4 parse .htm/.html and keep the Last-Modified header?
20. When i include a txt file the html page ignores the end of lines. And i get one long line with text. I would have multiple lines with hard breaks.
21. Why does PHP4 (windows) tell me that my module doesn´t exist when it does? I´m talking about php_mssql70.dll.
22. In windows PHP, when I load php_mssql70.dll as an extension, PHP stops working. why?
23. Can a local PHP page be parsed using a remote installation of PHP?
24. Looking to create resizable tables based on viewer screen size and amount of text to be displayed. Used on, but can’t find code to do this – ?
25. Why do I receive a message “cant fork …” if I try to execute an external program (PassThru, System, Exec) – running PHP4, WinNT SP 5, PWS.
26. using a LAMP setup with a Flash interface. How do I set up a chat using PHP that updates all the browsers viewing the chat page?
27. How can I get in PHP the value of variable coming from a WML < input > or < select >?
28. I wrote a script, but when searched brings only one set of results. How do I make it so if there is more than one result, it will display them all.
29. Is it worth creating files, like a log, for each new member or simply pull from a database.
30. How can I call a command line executable from within PHP?
31. Where can I get a documentation for creating my own dll for php3 with VC 6.0?
32. running php4 on a Data General Unix platform, and getting the same error, any help for this prob
33. Unable to execute linux command=”pppd call isp&”, using exec() and system(), consider that httpd.conf configured as nobody.
34. How to erase $REMOTE_USER in the browser created with the htaccess authentication scheme
35. What does PHP stand for?
36. How do you convert this perl code unpack(‘s’, pack(‘s’, hex($x))) to PHP
37. Is there any possible method of creating a dialogue box as a help option similar to the one in Microsoft Word Help dialogue boxes with keyword search
38. about “php3?id=xxxxx” OUTPUT RESULT TO HTML …
39. in Non_Server Client Site to get a variable from Server Client Site e.g. HTML get a result from PHP
40. How do I handle frames and window openings in PHP, for instance if I have a frames page and I want to eliminate the frames, how do I do this using PHP ?
41. How do I call and pass variables to a compiled C function using PHP?
42. Why do multiple echo and printf functions, used to display a table, display newline charachers before the table in Netscape but not in IE?
43. How do I stop a previous url?mode=del&cust=name being repeated when the user hits their back button?
44. I know this next/previous script ( but, is not there any easyer way/script?
45. Is it possible to make a yahoo-like site without MySQL or any other db, but plain text? Something like Links 2.0 in Perl.
46. How to extract data from database and display it in the list box?
47. Is there a mean to get the entries of an EXCEL sheet with PHP (to include this in a database, by Example
48. Does PHP support document objects (similar to javascript)
49. Is it possible to have MySQL and Php run with one provider and the “database driven website” with the other ? Say with the help of only SSI / CGI?
50. Hello, does anyone know where we can find a course on php for beginners that can be taken via the internet. We are just getting into php from scratch.
51. How i can set a time expire page in PHP.
52. is it possible to search newsgroups with php
53. Does anyone else have problems using the \n newline escape character? why is not it rendering for me?
54. What is the scope of a global (page, session or otherwise).
55. How do I present a form with two buttons – each doing a submit for different things (ie – log in or change password). Can I call PHP from an onclick.
56. How do I insert a user loaded < input type=file> image into a database table (&& checking for size constraints).
57. Why wont PHP 3 excute shell commands??? I have tried $string = system(“/bin/tar -cf /home/www/backups/backup.tar /home/www/functions”);
58. How can I populate a pull down with with a few data fields from one table and then upon selection then intire row fills out the apropiate form fields?
59. How do I insert a user loaded image < input type=file> into a database table (MYSql or M/S SQL)
60. What is the best policy? Connect once, store the query results in several arrays to use later or p_connect and query at the moment I need the results?
61. Is there some PHP code that takes the output of one file, and placing it in another?
62. When i press the submit button,the selected name in the list should be displayed in the new popup window for further processing.How to do this?. pl
63. Do member functions within a class incur any memory penalty when an object of that class is instantiated.
64. Can someone show me how to extract information from another site and put it on my webpage… Thanks
65. What does parsing means in PHP?
66. How can I use plain txt files instead of a database for a backend of a site, ie managing news posts, uploading files, message boards etc…
67. How can you include the same information you would normally call via SSI in a .shtml file in PHP?
68. how do i include a remote file using php
69. Can someone explain me how PHP interacts with Java ?
70. How to make a GoBackButton with a picture?
71. how can I take a list and make each row a value in an array?
72. can i simulate php on windows(not a server)?
73. I am using PHP4. I used to draw gifs in PHP3, but now I get an error (i think because PHP only supports PNGs). What should I do?
74. How can I prevent re-“post”-ing data when a user returns to a posted page using the back button?
75. Is their a way, in PHP, to strip-out the content of a web page of bad JavaScript? ex. Javascript that open a new window when you juste closed one.
76. How can I display the output of passthru or system with newline chars? i.e. passthru(“ps ax”)
77. I try to display a word document which is stored in a blob field in a mysql db-I get the document always with binary code pieces-how can I avoid this?
78. Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function page_open() ? How do I fix this please…?
79. Is it possible to access the Active Directory of a Windows 2000 Server with PHP ? Maybe via LDAP ?
80. I was sent a php file and am unable to view it. What software will run it?
81. How could one php-script call some other php-script and how could give the first one to the second one the values of the variables?
82. I want some while cycle in one script to call (x-times) the other script and give him the values of variables (which are each time other).
83. Is possible to generate, send & receive back ICMP messages directly in PHP instead of external execution of ping?
84. I have images on my site that when a thumnail is clicked the larger image appears In a pop-up. Is there a better way to do this in PHP instead of html
85. I have PHP under Windows and Apache . How can I send some file to STDIN of PHP script?
86. How to insert in a javascript array the elements of a php array ?
87. I am using PHP4 and a MS Access DB for my website. My provider tells me that the IIS-Server (NT) does not support PHP. Is that correct?
88. How to run execute files on client machines?
89. What is the error access violation? Why does it happen?
90. How can I pass information from a membership database (text file) into the Chat Client. Using PHP?
91. How can I save php output to the browser and a file?
92. Can PHP be malicious like Javascript? As a surfer do I have any security concerns? I can disable Java, can I disable PHP?
93. I need to know if there is a program that you can write code in html and convert it to php. I run windows 2000
94. How can i add the First,Previous,Next, Last,Update,Delete,Modify buttons in the same form?(I am using MYSQL as a backend in my server)
95. Is there a limit to the size of a PHP script plus included() and required() scripts that it loads? How can I change this limit?
96. Why am I getting a “/” added at the end of a PHP generated HREF link?
97. How I get XSLT support with PHP on Windows platform?
98. I am new to PHP, and would like to know if there is a code snippet for emailing a lost password to a customer. Thank you!
99. How can I write a web page (program) to check that does webserver support PHP, ASP and PERL ?
100. Can the PHP include command be used with a virtual path?